

Golcom d.o.o. je podjetje z bogatimi izkušnjami s področja financ, bančništva in trgovine

Golcom d.o.o. že od 2017

Podjetje GOLCOM je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2017. Prvotna dejavnost podjetja je nudenje računovodskih storitev ter poslovno-finančno svetovanje. Podjetje svojim strankam ponuja butične, vendar optimalne storitve, ki celovito celovito storitev, podprto z nudenjem storitev z višjo dodano vrednostjo na področju finančnega in podjetniškega svetovanja.

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Nudimo celovito in po meri prilagojeno rešitev.

Finančno svetovanje
Finančno svetovanje

Dobra finančna strategija je ključna za uspeh podjetja.

Razpisi, sredstva
Razpisi, sredstva

Vam pomagamo in svetujemo pri odobritvi sredstvev ali kreditov.

Ocenjevanje vrednosti
Ocenjevanje vrednosti

Ocenjevanje vrednosti podjetja, premičnin in nepremičnin.

Poslovno svetovanje
Poslovno svetovanje

Poslovni načrt je zelo pomemben za zagon in rast podjetja.

Here is Our Case Studies

Our top professionals are ready to help with your business. We deliver solutions
using our proven winning formula consisting of expertise.

Accounting For Mio LCC


Strategy for Talk


Accounting For Mio LCC


Our Achievements

Consulting WP is a global consulting powerhouse. We began our operations a few decades ago and have grown due to excellent relationships with our clients. We started out small, with just a few people and a small office, but today we have offices in multiple countries with hundreds of people working inside them.

93 %
Happy Clients
97 %
Successful Projects
91 %
Constantly Customers

Potrebujete pomoč?

Ne oklevajte in nas kontaktirajte
našo strokovno osebje vam bo odgovorilo v najkrajšem možnem času.

What Our Customers Said about us

“ Wow! What a team! They make everything flow smoothly. The service that you receive makes the whole process stress free.”

Agata Attano
CTO, Jotwork

“They keep you informed throughout and make sure that you get the loan to suit your individual needs. Don't waste your time going anywhere else.”

Jim Parkson
CEO, Viber

“I have been lucky enough to work with Famulus and their team recently organizing an amazing experience for their clients. Thank you for caring so much”

Ann Bartlett
Chef Manager, LLS

“We have found Famulus to be professional in their approach in finding solutions to not only protect their investor’s funds but also to ensure the project.”

Bert Freight
Co-Founder, Herms and Clarks

Choose your pricing plan

Enhance your brand with easy-to-use powerful customization features. The time has come to bring those ideas and plans to life. This is where we really begin to visualize your napkin sketches and make them into beautiful pixels.

Starter Pack
  • Accountancy Services
  • Auto Enrolment
  • Corporate Famulus
  • Online Accounting
Standard Pack
  • Accountancy Services
  • Auto Enrolment
  • Corporate Famulus
  • Online Accounting
Premium Pack
  • Accountancy Services
  • Auto Enrolment
  • Corporate Famulus
  • Online Accounting



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