

GOLCOM - Your path to perfection

Podjetje GOLCOM je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2017. Prvotna dejavnost podjetja je nudenje računovodskih storitev ter poslovno-finančno svetovanje. Podjetje svojim strankam ponuja butične, vendar optimalne storitve, ki celovito celovito storitev, podprto z nudenjem storitev z višjo dodano vrednostjo na področju podjetniških financ in trgovine.

Podjetjem in posameznikom svetujemo na področju financ, optimizaciji finančnih virov ter refinanciranju, pridobivanju (ne)povratnih sredstev, restrukturiranju ter projektnem financiranju pri izvedbi večjih razvojnih projektov in investicij, vse podprto s strokovnimi mnenji in finančnimi ekspertizami.

V zadnjih dveh letih smo poslovanje podjetja razširili še na trgovino. Podjetje gradi na strokovnosti ter vseskozi deluje kreativno, saj vseskozi išče poslovne in tržne priložnosti. Je hitro razvijajoče, vendar ohranja konservativne temelje, kar se vsako leto odraža tudi v najvišjih bonitetnih ocenah. Takšen pristop se navzven kaže v zadovoljstvu strank, znotraj podjetja pa v zadovoljstvu in motiviranosti zaposlenih.

Modern design

Arden offers you with fresh and vivid appearance. Your website will stand out with high flexibility in customization.

Magic pagebuilder

Arden offers you with fresh and vivid appearance. Your website will stand out with high flexibility in customization.


Arden offers you with fresh and vivid appearance. Your website will stand out with high flexibility in customization.

Completely disintermediate excellent skills with cient contents


You can find our code well organized and readable.


You can find our code well organized and readable.


You can find our code well organized and readable.

Easy way to build your dream.

Arden offers you with fresh and vivid appearance. Your website will stand out with

- Branding strategy & identity
- Website and app designing
- User experience designing

Trusted by +2000 clients

We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Tim Baland


“Been using the theme for 4-5 years or more, should've given a review earlier. I'm not a web design pro but I know the basics.”

Elisa Austen


“Great Customer Support. Even though they claim you need to pay for a service contract these guys will still go the extra mile to help you out even if you don't subscribe to this new policy.”

Kylie Leaner

Bridge Co.

“Top Design and the best support I have ever experienced!”

Tim Baland


“Been using the theme for 4-5 years or more, should've given a review earlier. I'm not a web design pro but I know the basics.”

Elisa Austen


“Great Customer Support. Even though they claim you need to pay for a service contract these guys will still go the extra mile to help you out even if you don't subscribe to this new policy.”

Kylie Leaner

Bridge Co.

“Top Design and the best support I have ever experienced!”

Get to know amazing people

We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Peter Rose


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Tim Baland


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Tim Baland


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Rosie Koller


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Peter Rose


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Tim Baland


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Tim Baland


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

GOLCOM - Your path to perfection

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