

Strokovno osebje

Urban Golež
Po zaključenem študiju je kariero začel v bančništvu, kjer je prevzemal vodstvene funkcije v komerciali .V letu 2017 se je odločil za samostojno pot v sklopu podjetja Golcom d.o.o.

Visoka strokovnost je temeljni dejavnik, ki vpliva na izbor strokovnjaka za svetovanje s posameznega področja tudi na zaupanje naročnikov. V podjetju svojo strokovnost potrjujemo s  formalno izobrazbo, dolgoletnimi izkušnjami kot tudi strokovnim izobraževanjem. Le tako lahko zagotavljamo visoke strokovne standarde.

Modern design

Arden offers you with fresh and vivid appearance. Your website will stand out with high flexibility in customization.

Magic pagebuilder

Arden offers you with fresh and vivid appearance. Your website will stand out with high flexibility in customization.


Arden offers you with fresh and vivid appearance. Your website will stand out with high flexibility in customization.

Completely disintermediate excellent skills with cient contents


You can find our code well organized and readable.


You can find our code well organized and readable.


You can find our code well organized and readable.

Easy way to build your dream.

Arden offers you with fresh and vivid appearance. Your website will stand out with

- Branding strategy & identity
- Website and app designing
- User experience designing

Trusted by +2000 clients

We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Get to know amazing people

We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Peter Rose


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Tim Baland


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Tim Baland


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Rosie Koller


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Peter Rose


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Tim Baland


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

Tim Baland


We combine classic brand strategy and account.

GOLCOM - Your path to perfection

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