
Voucher market research of foreign markets

11. October, 2021

Call: Slovenian Entrepreneurship Fund

Release Date: 10/8/2021

Deadline for submission: until the funds are used up

Amount of co-financing: 60% or max. 2,500.00 EUR

On 8 October 2021, the Slovenian Enterprise Fund additionally published two new voucher public calls from EU REACT funds. A total of 12 public voucher calls will be published so far, which can be used by micro, small and medium-sized companies for various business services.

The purpose of the voucher is to encourage companies to research foreign markets in order for the company to study the possibilities for the penetration of new or existing products / services in foreign markets, expansion or. diversification of its operations in foreign markets, thereby increasing competitiveness, added value or sales revenue. The minimum incentive is EUR 1,000.00 and the maximum is EUR 2,500.00.

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